Samstag, 24. Mai 2014

Speedsculpting- Remodel

I've decided to remodel my speedsculpting it has much more potential and I wanna pracitce my charaktermodel skills :)

redmodel- seperate the parts like the machine on the back and his clothes
the Mask would also be an seperat detail

I've also made a material- and lighting test for my other Project "Monster of the Loo"

just a test, not final

Montag, 19. Mai 2014

Speedsculpt at Work

today I had a little bit of freetime at work, so I've start to practice my sculptingskills at ZBrush.
an here is the result after a few hours:

after 3 hours this Dynameshpice was done

after 2 hours more the finedetailmodel was done

 Final update for today, detailsculpting is soon ready.

Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2014

W.I.P. - Childhood Horror next Level

Update today

today I've finished the mainbodymodel and made a rought Polypaint
In the next time I made the Tentakels and after them the sculptingpart ist already done.

Mainbody finished

rough polypaint for the mainbody

Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2014

W.I.P. - Childhood horror

when I was a child I could not go alone and without a light at night on the toilet because I was afraid of what might come out of the loo and now i wanna show the world what could face you if you go alone on the toilet at night. sometimes I'm still afraid to go to the loo in the dark. :]

update - 14.05.2014 - 22:20 - Detailsculpting in ZBrush 4R6
"Monster of the Loo"

the early 3Ds max scene-setup
light testing and cam setup
first - level Zbrush 4R6 sculpting of the "Monster of the Loo"
second - level ZBrush 4R6 sculpting of the "Monster of the Loo"

thrid - level ZBrush 4R6 sculpting of the "Monster of the Loo"

Old Stuff - 2013

Black&White Preview of this Design - made early 2013
for sale!

colored preview of this Design - made early 2013
for sale!
Main-Pic are not done by me - i've made it pritready
and some typowork on the Front and Back

New Updates are coming SOON!